

Basic / Institutional Information of the Department

No beneficiary oriented schemes are operated under the Cooperative Department. The key basic information of the department is as follows: –

1. Registration of Cooperatives:- Under the Madhya Pradesh Cooperative Societies Act 1960 and Rules 1962, the cooperative societies are registered at the district / division / state level by the department. A total of 3683 cooperative institutions are registered in the four districts of Rewa division, out of which 2830 are functional and 853 are in liquidation. According to the above, among the registered cooperatives, mainly 03 District Cooperative Central Banks, 02 Citizen Cooperative Banks, 397 Primary Agricultural Credit Cooperative Institutions, District Wholesale Consumer Cooperative Stores, District Small Forest Produce Cooperative Federation, Primary Consumer Cooperative Stores, Primary Marketing Cooperative Institutions, Housing Construction Cooperative Institutions etc. are registered and functioning.

2. Loan distribution by District Cooperative Central Banks: – Short term agricultural loan (commodity / cash) is disbursed to the member farmers at zero percent interest rate by the Primary Agricultural Credit Cooperatives affiliated to the District Cooperative Central Bank. In Kharif 2019, 50.50 crore loan was disbursed against the total 126.00 crore loan disbursement target in Rewa division, while 69.85 crore loan was disbursed against the total 72.00 crore loan disbursement target in Rabi 2018-19. A total target of 91.00 crore has been set in Kharif 2020, under which the target is to be met from the resources available by Apex Bank and NABARD.

3 Loan distribution by citizen cooperative banks: – In the year 2018-19 under the total 02 registered citizen cooperative bank under Rewa division, the Maa Sharada Mahila Citizen Cooperative Bank Maryadit Maihar in district Satna disbursed a loan of 2.62 crore against the target of total loan disbursement of 3.50 crore. 28.78 crore loans have been disbursed against the target of 30.00 crore loan disbursement by Shri Balaji Citizen Cooperative Bank Maryadit Satna.

4. Kisan Credit Cards: A total of 1612 Kisan Credit Cards were issued by the District Cooperative Central Banks under the Kisan Credit Card Scheme in the Rewa division in the year 2019-20. The total number of Kisan Credit Cards issued as on 31 March 2020 is 163679. A target has been set to issue 4500 Kisan Credit Cards under Rewa division for the year 2020-21.

5. Managerial grant: – Under the managerial grant scheme by the government, the managerial grant is given to each primary agricultural credit cooperative organization with the value of 20000.00 and to each primitive caste service cooperative institution at the value of 40000.00. In the financial year 2019-20, a total of Rs 101.95 lakh was allocated in Rewa division, according to the rules, the amount was made available to the committees after withdrawal of 100 percent and their utilization certificates were sent to departmental headquarters.

6. Procurement work on support price: – In the year 2019-20, a total of 601209.68 MT through 199 procurement centers from 106489 farmers under Kharif procurement paddy through cooperative societies. Paddy was purchased and Rs. 106325.30 lakhs against the amount payable of Rs. 105208.26 lakhs were transferred to the accounts of the concerned farmers. Paddy was transported to 96.69 percent of the total purchase.
Under the procurement year 2020-21 wheat as on 23.05.2020, out of a total of 138953 registered farmers from 316 procurement centers, a total of 438437.13 MT from 88621 farmers. Wheat was procured. 332476.26 MT against purchase That is, 75.65 percent wheat was transported. 32914.38 lakh farmers have been paid against the amount of 82772.00 lakh payable in the account of the concerned farmers.

7. Function of Public Distribution System: – The work of Public Distribution System is being done under the control of the Department of Food and Consumer Protection through the government fair price shops related to Primary Agricultural Credit Cooperatives under Rewa Division, under which allocation of food grains and kerosene, and the supervision is mainly done by the Food Department.

Special notable work

1- Under the innovation scheme in the department, in various areas of agriculture/Non agriculture, cooperative societies have been registered in the districts of Rewa division as follows.
Under the Aajivika mission, 458 societies in district Rewa, 191 in Sidhi and 101 in Singrauli, 01 societies in Rewa in tourism sector, 02 in Satna, 01 societies in Rewa in e-ricksa transport, 01 societies in Satna in bio fertilizer, residents/service. Provider 01 societies in Rewa, 01 societies in Satna and 174 societies in Singrauli district are registered and are working.

2- Due to the establishment of various industrial projects in Singrauli district, 3643 members have got employment in a total of 174 Labor Contracting Cooperative Societies registered for the purpose of providing permanent employment / self-reliance to the members of the displaced families of the villages.
NTPC as above 2276 members in 93 societies of Vindhyanagar, NTPC 218 members in 11 societies in Rihand Nagar, 784 members in 37 societies of Reliance Governance Power, 90 members of 09 societies of Essar Power Project, NCL. 210 members of 20 societies of Singrauli and 65 members of 04 societies of Hindalco Project are moving towards self-sufficiency by getting employment.

3- During Corona virus (Kovid-19) the crisis under the Aajivika Mission Cooperative Societies of Rewa district, 232906 masks were manufactured by 272 women of 93 self help groups of 09 development blocks, 208682 masks were distributed and about Rs 3.50 lakhs. profit was obtained.