
Organisation Chart

Administratative chart of Commissioner office

Organisation Chart

Divisional Setup

Divisional Commissioner Office Functions

  1. Divisional Commissioner : Chief representative of State Government in the Division, the main functions of Divisional Commissioner are:

    1. He is Head of Revenue Administration and Zilla Panchyat, Local Sector Government in the Division.
    2. Ensure proper & effective implementation of the various developmental schemes including poverty alleviation, civil supplies, employment generation, drinking water, primary health, primary education and development of infrastructure, etc.
    3. Ensure proper and effective co-ordination amongst the various organizations of the Government and public.
    4. Remove the bottlenecks if any in the smooth implementation of the various development programme.
    5. Disposal of Appeals related to Establishment matters of Revenue Department, Zilla Panchyat, Municipal Corporation, Municipalti, Nagar Panchayat, Village Panchayat Act, Slum Act, Entertainment Duty Act, etc.
    6. Supervise, guide and control the various offices in the division especially that of Collectors, Chief Executive Officers of Zilla Parishads, Superintendents of Police and Municipal Councils.
  2. Additional Commissioner: This is the immediate next authority to the Divisional Commissioner and looks after the Revenue appeals and appeal from the Local Sector the Gram Panchayat, Zilla Panchyat and Nagar Palika are entertained and administered by the Additional Commissioner.

  3. Dy. Commissioner (Revenue) : Looks after establishment affairs of Collectors, Addl. Collectors, Dy. Collectors, Tahsildars & Naib Tahsildars in addition looks after subjects of Relief & Rehabilitation of Natural Calamities Divisional Vigilinace Cell to look after the Corruption Charges. Recovery of Government Dues & outstanding debts.

  4. General Admin : An officer of the rank of Deputy Commissioner heads this branch. It is responsible for all administrative matters in the Div. Commissioner’s office and any other matter that may not be specifically coming under the purview of any other branch /section. It looks after the establishment affairs of the ministrial staff attached to the commissionerate and is the key link between the Government Treasury and Administrative Expenses in addition, this wing also look after the following important function such as, Protocol & Visit of VVIPs. Sanction of Parole to the prisoners detenue at Central Jail, Ujjain. Appeal against the Judgement of District Magistrate under Arms & Ammunation Act /Police Patil Act. Special assistance under the Government of India’s & Government of Madhya Pradesh’s Scheme for the age old persons and destitutes families, and municipal administration in the division.

  5. Development : This wing of the commissionerate looks after the administrative affairs & day to day functioning of Zilla Parishads established in the various districts in the Division. It also entertains the appeals against the judgements of Chief Executive Officers. This wing also looks after the implementation of the Government all development schemes especially in the areas of water conservation, education , agriculture & health.

  6. Food & Civil Supply : This wing of the commissionerate looks after the supply and distribution of all essential commodities in the entire region in addition it also looks after government schemes for the poorer sections of the communities like Nav Sanjivan Yojana, Antyodaya Yojna, Annapurna & Shaleya Poshan Aahar. The appeal against the judgements of the district supply officer & collector are also entertain in this section.

  7. E.G.S. : This wing looks after the implementation of Employment Guarantee Schemes through all six collectors in the districts for the benefits of the rural unemployed labours. It also monitors the administrative and financial control over the all schemes.

  8. Resettlement : This wing looks after the resettlement schemes in vogue in various districts of the division. It also looks after resettlement issues pertaining to the rehabilitation of the project affected peoples and also look after the acquisition of land under the various projects notified under the resettlement act.

  9. Establishment : This wing of the Commissionerate looks after the administrative functions of the employees recruited under the Zilla Parishad & Panchayat Samiti Act and also the day to day administrative activities of the establishment affairs of the Zilla Parishad in the various districts of the Division.


    1. Divisional Commissioner, Rewa Division Rewa
    2. Additional Commissioner, Rewa Division Rewa
    3. Dupty Commissioner Revenue, Rewa Division Rewa
    4. Dupty Commissioner Development, Rewa Division Rewa
  10. Personal Section

    1. PA to Divisional Commissioner
    2. PA to Additional Commissioner