Afsarnama :Dr. Ashok Kumar Bhargava, Secretary Health Department talks.
Dr. Ashok Kumar Bhargava, Secretary Health Department talks.

09 percent jump in division’s high school exam results
Former commissioner of Rewa division, Dr. Ashok Kumar Bhargava’s innovations led to a jump of 09 percent in the division’s…

Message from Divisional Commissioner regarding corona virus
Don’t be afraid of corona virus but be alert

Turn opportunity into success
Life is meaningful in turning opportunity into success – commissioner

Become a Idol for students
Teacher should be ideal for students with their conduct and behavior – Commissioner Dr. Ashok Kumar Bhargava

Swearing-in ceremony of newly appointed office bearers
The newly appointed office bearers of Avadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa employees union, Dr. Ashok Kumar Bhargava, Commissioner of Rewa,…

Divisional level disability competition
Commissioner Dr. Ashok Kumar Bhargava said that the disabled also have the right to live like normal people. All of…

We will be successful
commissioner Rewa for quality improvement in ‘we will be successful’ education

Address to PwDs
Commissioner Dr. Ashok Kumar Bhargava said that the disabled also have the right to live like normal people

Clean Survey 2020
Under the Swachh Survekshan 2020, in the program organized last day with the aim of increasing awareness about cleanliness in…